Export All Returns

Use the Export feature to all returns to a flash drive, hard disk drive or other storage media, or to transfer your returns from one computer to another.

You must not rename an exported return in your Windows file directory. Renaming the file will prevent the possibility of importing it back into ATX.

Before exporting all returns, be sure to close any open returns they are not included in the export.

To export all returns from Return Manager:

  1. Click the Returns menu; then, select Export All Returns.
  2. A Browse for Folder dialog box appears.
  3. Navigate to and select a folder to house your exported returns.
  4. Click OK.

Export Results dialog box

  1. Click Close.

Exported returns appear in the destination folder with an *.atx[taxyear]Export file format (such as *.atx16Export).

See Also:

Exporting Returns

Importing Returns

Backup vs. Export